Enjoy the Beauty of Balai Pemuda Surabaya

Located right in the center of Surabaya, making what was once called De Simpangsche this Societeit the Dutch colonial period made in place of entertainment by the Europeans at that time in the era of 1907-1945. The building is then controlled by Arek-Arek Suroboyo (Young man of Surabaya) who are members of the PRI (Youth of the Republic of Indonesia)  organization during the upheaval in November 1945. This place became one of the headquarters to strategize against invaders that time. In 1950 when Arek-Arek Suroboyo already entered the city, the building was in control the military, at that time a military ruler in De Simpangsche Societeit is KMKB (Komando Militer Kota Besar (military commander of the Big City)).

Over the last five years the building was changed again, just in 1957 through a letter No: KKM. 1223/12/1957 dated December 10, 1957 at the time of the liberation of West Papua, De Simpangsche Societeit began to change the name of the Youth Center building, this name pinned to reward youth struggles in Surabaya at that time. For more information about this building from 1957-present, can be seen below:
  • 1957: Handover ruler KMKB to the Chairman of the Regional Council of the Township of Surabaya. Handover is done by the leadership of Lt. Col. KMKB. Soeriyoto to R. Istidjab.
  • 1957: De Simpangsche Societeit which later was transformed into the Balai Pemuda Building maximized its function as a meeting place, meetings, parties, receptions, etc. This building was then also called Balai Pertemuan  (the General Meeting Hall Youth Center).
  • 1965: Hall of Youth in use to accommodate anspirasi the youth by giving them a place as the organization's headquarters in New Order era as a form of crushing PKI 30 September Movement (G30S). These organizations among which are KAPPI, WE, FRONT YOUTH. 
  • 1971-1972: There for the first time since the restoration of buildings that have been damaged on the east side. Pemrakarya this restoration was the mayor of Surabaya named R.Soekotjo. At the time it was formed banguanan Youth Center Partners who subsequently made in performance building as a cinema, art performances, dance, etc.
  • 1974: Youth Center Building was used as the secretariat of the Federation of Indonesian Youth and KNPI with all its activities.
  • 1979-1980: There was a second restoration, but restoration was then keep the building maintained the authenticity of the building.
  • 1980: This building was subsequently used as a place of art appreciation. Good dance, theater, music, etc. With regard building a very strategic location.
  • 1980 - Current: Youth Center Building in the northern part of the special place given to the Arts Council by the Mayor of Surabaya. Meant the place is used as the Center Art Exhibition Surabaya (PPKS). There is also a coaching artists and artists in Surabaya Youth Workshop (BMS) and the Academy of Visual Arts Surabaya (AKSERA).
  • 2008: Cinema Partners in the lid and in over enable a building owned by the city government.
  • 2014: The building which was formerly a Partner in turn into the center of the study of language, named Home Language Surabaya (RBS) and also Library Balai Pemuda Surabaya.

The above description is a bit of history about the Balai Pemuda Surabaya. Currently, Balai Pemuda switching functions from time to time. Buildings made as a tourist information center and simultaneously also made in place which contribute to local revenue. Until now, Balai Pemuda Surabaya is made a rental building for various purposes such as: Wedding, Seminar, Exhibition of books, art exhibitions, Auditions Arts, concerts, art shows, etc. Depending tenant building course. Moreover, in the area of ​​Balai Pemuda building, on a weekly basis also held regular events dance performances, theater, reog, and all the arts that took place right in front of the Library Balai Pemuda Surabaya. In the vicinity of the Balai Pemuda building there is also a language learning center named Rumah Bahasa Surabaya.

If you want to feel the nuances of Dutch old, combining with modern feel until today and also traveled education at Rumah Bahasa and Balai Pemuda Library. Then please visit at Balai Pemuda Surabaya. 

Gedung Balai Pemuda
Opening Time  06.00 - 21.00
Note  Jus pay Parking Rp.2000 (Motor), Rp.5000 (Car)
Located In  Jalan Gubernur Suryo No. 15 Surabaya.
GPS Location below:

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